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Monday, July 23, 2007

Dog Olympic 2007

The event was few months back. Finally our pictures are published.

It was the annual Dog Olympic and we were very happy. Mommy finally don't need to work on Sunday. We have been at home most of the time and today we finally had the taste of stepping on the the grass in this spacious park. As usual, we went there just to walk walk and to enjoy the sun bathing on the grass. We didn't join any games because mommy is so lazy :-(

The MyFM DJ, Lam Tak Weng (Jack) were there, with his wife and his lab. Too many people surrounding them and we only managed to stay far far away 'smelling' them.

There was a pretty little girl. She saw us and like us very much. She kept playing with us and didn't want to leave us. Her mother tried to bring her to take a picture with Jack. She cried! Because she want to come back to us and play with us... See... we are more attractive than the famous DJ... hehehe

Action 1: Snifffff...

Action 2: Still Snifffff... ...


Wah... pretty girl...

Let's go walk walk.

Mommy, come nearer...

Getting hot now...

woo... the water so cooling...

Mommy, can we come again...


Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Well aren't you two just adorable. Great pictures.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

few months onli post up...ur mum is really busy wor...