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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brillante_Weblog Award

Thanks Mango the Maltese gave us this award. Surprise! Here are the rules of this awards:
  1. Add the logo of the award to my blog
  2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to me
  3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
  4. Add links to those blogs on my blog
  5. Leave a message for my nominees on their blogs.
I'd like to gave my friends for this awards
Jiro & Ayako

New Tricks by Hero and Casper

Just finished watching the HK drama series - "When a dog loves a cat". 'Siu Ba', the mongrel acted in the series performed some tricks during the launching of Koo Cologne. "Crawl" is one of the tricks 'Siu Ba' performed and this is the trick / command that I never thought of teaching Hero and Casper.

At the beginning, I thought this is not an easy trick to teach because they are just too used to the "come" command, to walk or run to me in what ever style they are comfortable with. In contrast to "come", "crawl" is the "come" command in which their butt have to stay close to the floor.

I started teaching Hero with him in the "down" command. Then, I hold his favourite treats in front of him (close to the floor). I started pulling the treats forward. At the same time, I used my the other hand to push his butt forward. Seems very rough :-P but it works after a few pushes and Hero got the point - 'to move forward in the "down" position'. Wonderful!!!

Next, is Casper's turn. I would think Casper could be much more harder to teach since he is very easily being distracted when he sees his favourite treats. Surprisingly, I only tried 1 push. The second time, i pulled the treats forward, Casper already managed to crawl!!!

Video of Hero with the command "circle", "cross","eight" and "crawl"

Video of Casper with the command "circle", "cross","hoop" and "crawl"

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Trapped in Curtain

A few weeks back, there was a fly trapped between the sliding window and the curtain in the living room. The fly caused the annoying sound...wee.... woo... wee... woo.... Hero was too curious to "catch" the little creature and accidently trapped in behind the curtain. He took some time "escape" from the trap... looks very funny :-D

Hero: Mommy, don't take the photo, so malu la...

Help me....

Hero: eee... how come I am still inside...

Hero: Oh no...

Hero: Yeah..

Random Shot

Hero: My look so snoopy...

We look very girlish with the top knot :-p

Casper: Hurry up.. sleepy already...