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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Trapped in Curtain

A few weeks back, there was a fly trapped between the sliding window and the curtain in the living room. The fly caused the annoying sound...wee.... woo... wee... woo.... Hero was too curious to "catch" the little creature and accidently trapped in behind the curtain. He took some time "escape" from the trap... looks very funny :-D

Hero: Mommy, don't take the photo, so malu la...

Help me....

Hero: eee... how come I am still inside...

Hero: Oh no...

Hero: Yeah..


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Well, well, welcome back Hero&Casper!
I'm so glad to read your blog again, how have you been?
I enjoyed watching the Video in the park, looked like you and your doggies friends had a lot of fun. Can I link your blog to mine, come visit me, I have something to tell.
You may not noticed it, I have given you some awards. Please read my entry on August 2.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

LoL... u are so funny...

but looks kinda like a bridal