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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Casper's diary IV - Hero is notti again :-D

Hoorey.... Hero has recovered and become the notti big brother again. After a week of the e-collar life, Hero is 'free' again! It was an extremely heart broken experience during the time when Hero was sick.

It was a nightmare to all of us in the family. Hero neither can sit nor lie down comfortably because of his wound. Mommy couldn't sleep well at night and she has to come home everyday to check on Hero during the lunch time. I know it was very tiring for her, but I am happy because I can see mommy! And me, of course, feel so sad because Hero didn't 'talk' to me, play with me or fight with me. I know he was in pain.

Well, well...... finally... finally, it is over now. Hero is recovered and back to normal and everyone in the family is so happy.

Thank you so much for 'get well soon' wishes from all the fur pal. Hero and Casper shall be back again. Merry Christmas everyone!

Before and after

Hero: Haha.. it's Casper time for the e-collar...

Casper: Oh no..... Mommy, rescue me.............

Hero: Hurry up, don't make us wait for so long...

Casper: Mommy, mommy... faster la....................

1 comment:

Amber-Mae said...

OMdoG! His butt was so red red. I'm glad to see that it's much better now. Merry X'mas to you guys too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer