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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Some update for Feb 2008

It's has been a long time the blog left un-managed. Some friends of mine started complaining, "Hey, how's Hero and Casper ? Why there is no update to the blog? ". It's not that I am very busy, hmm, perhaps I am, busying pak toh :-P Well, I did spend time with them and took picture of them, just that I am quite lazy to update the blog... hehe...

So, what was on during February? Besides the Chinese New Year celebration, there is also the Valentines Day! We think of flowers and chocolates during Valentine's Day. Yes, the photos I am going to share is all about flowers (No chocolate, of course!).

I had never bought flowers for my mother on Valentine's Day. This year, I decided to get her a bouquet of mix lilies and roses! It was a surprise for my mother. She was so happy. The bouquet is so big and she had to "hug" the flower to get it hold steadily.

Two days later, I tied the bouquet and hang it at the staircase to make them dried flowers. Something interesting to Hero and Casper now. The upside down bouquet started dripping water and I had to place the newspaper underneath for 30 minutes to absorb the water. Hero and Casper stood next to the newspaper, looked at the bouquet and dripping water curiously. No "special" action so far, good boy!

It was too early to praise them. The next day when I came back from work, guess what? The fur around Casper's face turned yellow! The first thing came to my mind was, Casper licked Hero's pee pee. Casper has had his yellow face once because he 'smartly' put his head under Hero's tummy when Hero was doing his small business. Yes, It was yucky! But hang on, the face smell good, not the pee pee odor.

I started to look around where Casper got his fur turned yellow. After a while, I saw some leaves and flower petals on the floor. This is the colouring source! Casper stood up with his hind leg to bite the flower's petal! The pollen caused the yellowish in Casper fur!

The first Velentine's bouquet for mother.

Hero: Looks funny...
Casper: looks Tasty!

Hero: Hmm, newspaper... water... potty ???
(Mommy: Hero, no pee pee there!)

Casper: I handsome ?

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