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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Casper 3rd Birthday (14 April 2009)

Just notice that Casper's Birthday photos are still in my pending photo buckets :p

We didn't had any grand celebration or party for Casper, just a few slices of cakes from Secret Recipe, with only 1 slice is furkid edible, which is the cheese cake :-D

Casper: Faster mommy, I can't wait to eat the cake...

Casper is more interested in the chocolate cake

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mummy's new pet

We have a new family member now. Her name is "Bo Bo" and she is from Pet Society. We haven't really meet her, but mummy has been taking good care of her everyday. She has her own house and own room. She does not sleep with us, she doesn't bark, she doesn't beg for food... but she is like us... she poo everywhere and anytime !! aha !

Just before poo poo

Bo Bo eating Corn

Bo Bo's Bedroom

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Please stop torture them...

If you don't love them, please don't torture them, just leave them alone. If it is your job to catch them and put them down, please follow the right procedure. This is the biggest gift you can give to life and god will see it.

I first saw the video clips on the animal cruelty done by DBKL on TV3 programme 360 from My eyes in tears while watching the clips and reading the news. No doubt, what was reported in by WANI MUTHIAH was not exaggerate - "Members of the public are crying foul over the way stray dogs and cats are allegedly killed at the the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) animal pound in Setapak.". Yes, I am crying. What about you ?

We can see from the video, the pound worker dragging a dog with a loop around its neck, and obviously the dog was still alive! How could the workers or DBKL forget that those innocent furry creatures are also life, precious life created by god. If they were to be put down, the right procedure was to euthanise intravenously, and NOT wringing or breaking their necks.

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better and friends hold a peaceful protest at the DBKL pound in Setapak on 7th of February to protest over the ghastly and cruel way stray dogs and cats are killed at the pound. The representative from DBKL promised to investigate and hopefully they would do something to about it.