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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Day out @ Central Park

It was a Saturday, we thought it was going to be another boring day for Casper and I. But it was not, mommy took out our leash and put the harness on us... yippi.... we were going out gai gai...

It was a park ! Hey, It looked familiar, just like the part we went not long ago with lots of doggies. But there wasn't any doggie today. No crowd, no booth, no people, no competition, just us! Mommy loosed our leash so that we could roam around freely. We are the King of the Park!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Malaysia Responsible Dog Onwnership Day (19th Oct 2008)

Also known as MROD 2008... the annual event for the doggie event by @ Central Park BU. Mommy managed to get Yit Soo che che to bring along her 2 Shi Tzu puppies but she had to leave early for the church. So until today, we still do not have the opportunity to meet with Chrisso and Fluffly...

Same as the previous doggie event at Central Park, mommy brought us there to walk walk and to meet some doggie friends. But our interest is more than that... We wanted to build our KINDGDOM! Yes, we managed to build our territory starting from the park entrance until the other end of the park, not forgetting the lakeside!

For the first time, mommy went to 'pat' on the competition and she told us that she finally learnt how to play the "Musical Chairs", but to us, the game is keep asking us to "Run" , "Sit" and "Stay" under the hot sun, not intereting at all, we rather MARK! aha...